Saturday, March 6, 2010

A weekend full of surprises

I was lured to the airport under false expectations. Lana asked me several weeks ago to accompany her to the airport to pick up a British friend that she met while in London. Trying to be a good friend, I agreed. The whole way to the airport I was inquiring about this British girl, Emily, and was thinking of good conversation starters. I even went into the airport to use the restroom and (not knowing what this girl looked like) analyzed every age appropriate girl that walked by to see if she looked British enough. I had a whole "welcome to America" ditty planned out for her. I returned to the car not finding this British girl. Moments later a girl stands outside my car window. At first, I thought that she looked remarkably similar to Hilary, but clearly it is not Hilary because she vowed to never return to Utah. Then, I looked at Lana to point out this girl as if to see if she agreed with me. Next, I realized that it was Hilary. What a coincidence that we ran into her at the airport! I ran out and gave her a hug. It wasn't until after I hugged her that I realized that there was no British girl. My roommates are so tricky! So I stayed up until some ridiculous hour in the morning talking to one of my best friends from freshmen/sophmore year of college. I am so glad that she is here. It seems like we haven't missed a beat. I feel like we just picked up right where we left off.

This morning, Nicole and I went to training for working in orphanages in Uganda. It was actually quite interesting. Everytime I attend a Help International meeting, I get more and more excited to go to Africa. I love everyone in my group and we are all quickly becoming friends. Afterwards, I returned home and went out to Utah Lake with Hilary and Lana. Part of the lake is still iced over. It is quite beautiful. There were even people skiing in the de-iced water. CRAZY! Next to the pike, large piles of snow have built up. It was amazing. It is things like the mountains and lakes that have made me fall in love with Provo. Tonight, we are going to Alice in Wonderland. I do not even know the storyline for this story, so I have a completely open mind. I am sure that I will enjoy it. Tim Burton is a strange director, but his work is still great. I still do not have my voice back, but this weekend is shaping up to be wonderful.

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